I miss them sooooo much.
Don't get me wrong. It is better for them to go away while Phil and I are still working.
Otherwise there would be far too much vegging and tv watching and staying in pyjamas all day.
And I thank God that they have such a close relationship with their grandparents and still enjoy spending time with them (they could have chosen to stay home this year)
But it doesn't get any easier this end.
This is the 10th year it has happened
and I'm still not used to it.
And they are not cute little babies any more
- they are surly greasy teenagers
but I want them here being rude to me.
Right pity party over. Stuff to do, people to see, layout to share.
It is Salt day today.
Nikki has posed a really great challenge. Sadly her life means that she can't participate any longer. We will miss you Nikki - go well.
The challenge is this
According to his purpose
"All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
We all have those "all things"... whether moving, money, health, relationships, or any other challenge. It's not always easy (or possible at all!) to see how they will "work together for good." And we may never see the "good" that God works in the lives of others through the "things" we are facing. But by our faithful listening to God's call, and by our faithful commitment to His purpose, we can be assured that He will work His goodness in our world.
I spent ages trawling through my photos for inspiration. In the end I chose this one. We all have those "all things"... whether moving, money, health, relationships, or any other challenge. It's not always easy (or possible at all!) to see how they will "work together for good." And we may never see the "good" that God works in the lives of others through the "things" we are facing. But by our faithful listening to God's call, and by our faithful commitment to His purpose, we can be assured that He will work His goodness in our world.
I wanted to reflect that we are to tell her that all things work together for good, that we made promises at her baptism to tell her of God's love.
The Salt layouts and cards are wonderful this week. Do go and have a look. And remember that
All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
Even being apart from your children for 3 weeks I suppose!
Great layout and pic Lythan! :)
Beautiful layout Lythan! Seems we all love kraft cardstock this week. :-) I love the journaling box and the way you created the verse. Just wonderful!
Great layout Lythan. I love the look of the Maya Road sheers but I'm completely with you on the struggling to use things like that!
This is wonderful, I love the way you combine the serious with the fun elements - and what a fab photo that is - Angel is a little darling
A lovely layout Lythan, love how you did the words.
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